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Welcome to Karlie's Creative Kitchen!


Thanks for finding my blog :) Let me fill you in about Karlie's Creative Kitchen.

Since I was REALLY little, I was obsessed with food. A few of my earliest memories was spending summer days outside with my Little Tikes red wagon, mixing my "ingredients" together (grass, mud, water and rocks to be specific) to make the perfect soup. I'd pretend I was on a cooking show and had my family sit in as an audience on our picnic table. Don't worry, no one would actually taste it!

From there, my dream was to be a cookbook author. I had NO idea what it meant back then I'm sure, but all I knew was that I loved to mix things, create things and eat things.

As I grew older and needed to pick a direction for university, half of my heart wanted to follow my dream to become a chef. However, I'm way to practical of a thinker and wasn't sure if I could handle the stress, long days and competitive nature of being a chef. SO I followed the other half of my heart, the love of kids side and became an elementary school teacher. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my job, my students and my school but also love cooking just as much. My very sweet fiance has always mentioned that I should open a restaurant (more on that later) to share my food and then one day....BAM BAM BO BAM! "Why not start an Instagram account?" popped into my head.

And lo and behold, Karlie's Creative Kitchen was born! My first post was on May 28, 2017 and I am so excited for this journey. Thank you for joining me on this roller coaster! I hope you enjoy what I creative and that I inspire you to also be creative in your kitchen!

Keep cooking,


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